美國雅典娜 復方胶基酸片 ATHENA Multi-Amino Acid– 100 tablets



  • 病後、產後、手術後、年老、先天不足或未老先衰,體虚力弱人士
  • 肝臟機能失調的病人,特别容易覺得疲倦體弱人士
  • 生活緊張,工作或學校功課壓力大,用腦過度人士
  • 因先天或後天因素,男女性機能衰退者
  • 追求健身和健美的人士,運動量和體力消耗大人士
  • 運動員,紀律部隊及體力勞動者



  • 補充體力,加速復原身體功能
  • 加速病後復元
  • 促進肝臟細胞的復原,保持肝臟的生血和解毒功能
  • 增強抵抗力,促進腦部細胞生長,提神醒腦,更可防止脱髮和白髮的老化現象之發生
  • 常服用美國雅典娜復方胺基酸片可增強活力,消除疲勞和防止突然昏歇的發生。


美國雅典娜復方胺基酸片(ATHENA AMINO ACIDS TABLETS) 是一種含有20胺基酸的高級天然營養劑。胺基酸 (Amino acids) 是自然界一種重要的有機物質。


人體所有的蛋白質 (Proteins),荷爾蒙 (Hormones)、免疫抗體(Antibodies),維他命 (Vitamins) 和其他内分泌都是由20種不同的胺基酸結合和轉化而成。胺基酸可以說是萬物的生命之基本原料。


人體需要由胺基酸結合而成的蛋白質來製造新細胞和組織(例如血球、血管、腦細胞、精子、肌肉、皮膚等等) ,使身體有正常的發育;而破損和老化的細胞和組織又得到維修和重生。



美國雅典娜 復方胶基酸片 ATHENA Multi-Amino Acid– 100 tablets


人體所需的胺基酸共有20種;其中10種稱為基本胺基酸( Essential Amino Acids) 必須由體外的食品或營養劑(例如雅典娜復方氨基酸片)攝取。其餘10種,則人體可以自己製造。在正常情形下,人體可以從食物攝取和自己生產所須的胺基酸。但當身他健康出現問題或體力消耗增加的時候,我們便需要服用含有豐富胺基酸營養劑來提供額外的胺基酸。美國雅典娜 復方胺基酸片便是最佳的高級胺基酸營養劑。




  • 病後、產後、手術後、年老、先天不足或未老先衰的人士,體虚力弱。服用美國雅典娜復方胺基酸片可補充體力,加速復原。
  • 肝臟機能失調的病人,特别容易覺得疲倦體弱,需要長時間休息和調理。服用美國雅典娜復方胺基酸片可促進肝臟細胞的復原,保持肝臟的生血和解毒功能。
  • 因生活緊張,工作或學校功課壓力大,用腦過度,引致未老先衰、體弱多病、容易疲勞;服用美國雅典娜復方胺基酸片,可增強抵抗力,促進腦部細胞生長,提神醒腦,更可防止脱髮和白髮的老化現象之發生。
  • 因先天或後天因素,男女性機能衰退者,可常服美國雅典娜復方胺基酸片。
  • 追求健身和健美的人士,因運動量和體力消耗大,服用美國雅典娜復方胺基酸片可迅速補充體力和能源,增强肌肉和皮膚結實及健美的生長。
  • 運動員,紀律部隊及體力勞動者,常服用美國雅典娜復方胺基酸片可增強活力,消除疲勞和防止突然昏歇的發生。
  • 其實美國雅典娜復方胺基酸片是一種天然保健營養劑,什麼人士都適合服用。作為保健食療,預防勝於洽療,每日服兩粒,可以為健康買個保險。



市面上有很多不同的營養劑和補品,但美國雅典娜復方胶基酸片是最適當和實際的選擇。據美國雅信大藥廠聘請加州大學化驗中心 (CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY ANALYTICAL CENTRE) 進行的獨立化驗和分析,結果發現美國雅典娜復方胺基酸片的胺基酸含量遠達高於燕窩,蜂皇漿,鷄精,魚翅和營養奶粉。以服量比較計算,美國雅典娜復方胺基酸片亦是最實際和便宜的選擇。


服法:作為保健食療,每日服兩次,每次服一至兩粒( 飯後)。



What is Athena Multi-Amino Acid?

It is a natural nutrition supplement containing 20 different amino acids derived from natural milk origins.


Then, what are amino acids? Why are they important to our body?

Amino acids are natural organic compounds with a general formula of:

Our body’s proteins, hormones, antibodies, vitamins and other endogenous secretions are built by 20 different amino acids. These are actually the fundamental elements for life. If our body cannot maintain an adequate supply of amino acids, variety of disorders and diseases will promptly occur.


Where does our body acquire amino acids?

Normally, our body can obtain amino acids from food or manufacture some if them by ourselves. But under impaired conditions, adequate amount cannot be maintained and amino acid supplement, such as Athena Multi-Amino Acid Tablets should be taken.



  1. Persons recovering from illness. Such as hepatitis, labour and operations etc. require extra amino acids and proteins to accelerate cells and tissues repair and to bolster energy.
  2. Athletes, policemen, firefighters and other disciplinary personnel’s need the amino acids supplement to combat fatigue and exhaustion.
  3. People working under stress are more susceptible to developing diseases. Taking Athena Multi-Amino Acid Tablets regularly can increase their immunity and vitality to avoid debility, hair loss and hair-greying etc.
  4. Bodybuilders need extra amino acids and proteins to build new muscles and to compensate excessive energy loss.
  5. Actually, Athena Multi-Amino Acid Tablets is a natural product which can be taken by anybody as a general health supplement. “Prevention is better than cure”, taking just two Athena Multi-Amino Acid Tablets a day can act as your health insurance.



Why Athena Multi-Amino Acid Tablets?

An independent analysis was conducted by the California University Analytical Centre. It was found that the amino acids content in the Athena Multi-Amino Acid Tablets is very much higher than those in bird’s nest, royal jelly, chicken’s essence, shark’s fin and enriched milk powder. Also, the comparative cost of daily consumption is cheaper with the Athena Multi-Amino Acid Tablets. Athena Multi-Amino Acid Tablets contains all the 20 amino acids needed by our body. It is manufactured with natural milk sources by a special “pre-digestion” process to ensure complete absorption of the amino acids by our body, Athena Multi-Amino Acid Tablets is approved for sale by the California Health Department.



As a dietary supplement, take one or two tablets twice daily after meals.



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